
Suddenly it is spring again...

Oh, my little knitting goodness. It is already spring. I have definately dropped the ball (of yarn) with this blog. I do solemnly swear to attempt to avoid this in the future.

I have been leapfrogging from project to project. I finished many, many goodies a month or so ago and have yet to craft anything new. I decided that the vest I began for the Hubs was a huge disaster. Last night, I pulled this entire thing apart and decided I would use the yarn elsewhere. I got the pattern from Domiknitrix and it lost me. Apparently, there are a couple of steps that aren't listed...or I just had no clue what I was doing. Either way, I've destroyed hours and hours of work. Well, lesson learned and knitting skills practiced. Let's stay positive, people, I just dumped about 17 inches of knitting in the round for a men's large vest. Four skeins!! Anyway, let's chitter-chatter about something happy.

I just got a massage. My friend Allison (Alice, to my 2 yr old daughter) brought her table over and got me all floppity. I felt like a drunken ragdoll when I slid off the table. Loveliness. Mmmmmm. She has a wonderful idea for a craft. Its one that I have yet to see around here. I shan't share it until I get the go-ahead. Its a doozy. Keep out an eye.

Family vacation this summer is planned for Savannah, GA. Very happy about that. We were going to NYC and Canada but, oh my, I am not up for that.

My health has been progressively worse in the past couple of months. Things seem to have rolled downhill after my February surgery. I have ideas, though and I hope to discuss them with Doc at my next appt. I have been researching alot and have armed myself with loads of info. I had to. At 30, I should not be lying down 90% of the time in great pain. That is why my darling friend came to visit with massage table in tow.

I promise pics of my newest crafter-pieces. In fact, I do solemnly swear...oh, you get the picture. Smile everybody. The paparazzi may be sneaking a peek and you don't want to be on the cover of Star with a frown. Also, put on some lipgloss.
Avast ye mateys, hoist ye yarn and make some knots.

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